This was copied from The SWUG site - they are an excellent resource for additional scripts/tips - see them at SysAdmin ToDo List --------------------- Weekly Use jobschd to check for "Needs Recovery" Jobs in Waiting Queue: F7, Show, All Users Scan $LAWDIR/system/ladb.log and $LAWDIR/system/latm.log for errors. Check for program compile errors: find $LAWDIR/ -name "*.err" Clean up the joblog directory: If there are not too many files: rm $LAWDIR/system/joblog/lapm.* If there are many files (or just to be safe): [For extra safety, make sure this command is NOT run by root.] find $LAWDIR/system/joblog -name "lapm.*" -print | xargs rm --------------------- As Necessary Remove coredump files: rm core find /dirname -name core -exec rm {} \; (slow) find /dirname -name core -print | xargs rm (faster) Or in the users login profile set the core file size to 0 ulimit -c 0 deljobhst = see scripts referenced at top of page rm lawson.log = remove FTP log files integ = to check db file integrity; long run time rebuild -f = to rebuild db files as a result of error msg "file unsafe - rebuild" cobcmp systemcode = if a program dies because of a timestamp mismatch dmpdict = to dump a file description from the dictionary. Useful when you are unsure if your are on SQL or ladb; Do a find on "Location" --------------------- Monthly Lawson recommends you reboot your server(s) monthly