Migrating Jobs Between Productlines/Environments Jobs established in one ProductLine can be migrated into any other, and done so with varying degrees of granularity. Extracting the jobs to migrate: Become user lawson . cv into your Decide how precise you want to be with your extract. You can get all the jobs in a productline, or limit them to UserName, JobName, Description - or any combination of those options. Examples below show the syntax: Execute jobdump with no parameters for an explanation of each of the flags. All the job related data in a ProductLine including Distribution Group information jobdump -d -l outputfile All the jobs in a PL without Distribution Group information jobdump -d -l -o job outputfile All the jobs in a PL for a single user jobdump -d -l -o job -v UserName lawbatch outPutfile A specific job for a single user jobdump -d -l -o job -v UserName Lawbatch -v JobName 071712071 outputfile Loading extracted jobs into different PL Become user lawson . cv into your If the Target- ProductLine is on a different server, ftp outputfile into some accessible place. Before inserting the extracted data it is advantageous to run the command in "Report Mode". This will tell you if there is a problem with your extracted data. This might include pointing to a Distribution Group that existed on the Source- ProductLinethat doesn't exist on the Target- ProductLine, or Jobs extracted for usernames that do not exist on the Target- ProductLine. Execute jobload with no parameters Tor an explanation of each of the flags. Report Mode Listing: Note: "Productline" in the command below is a literal. Type it exactly as you see it here. also, the SOURCE PRODUCTLINE and TARGET PRODUCTLINE must be all CAPS jobload -l-m Productline outputfile Correct any errors that you see and run again. Repeating until you get no errors. Load and commit jobs: Note: "Productline"!n the command below is a literal. Type it exactly as you see it here. also, the SOURCE_PRODUCTLINE and TARGET_PRODUCTLINE must be all CAPS jobload -c -l -m Productline outputfile